Don't Let the Name Fool You!When it comes to plating—we know what we’re doing !
Many have a misconception as to what plating is. Some think that all you have to do is dip the part and it comes out shiny. But, that’s not the case. The plating process entails many procedures and steps in order to achieve the beauty of this timeless finish. Chrome plating has been around from the beginning of time. Well, maybe not the beginning of time, but it has been around for a long time. In our case, our family has been serving Southern California in the electroplating business since 1967 and nationally most recently. Some consider electroplating as an art form. From “bronzed” baby shoes to a plated rose, these are all forms of electroplating. In some instances an art form that is fading into the archives of history. BUT, ---- Electroplating has survived and we are ready to serve you in your plating needs.