The Polishing Process
If you are looking for a GREAT plating job, then you have to start at the bottom and build on a good foundation. Polishing the part is probably the most important part of the process. Whatever the part looks like before it goes through the plating process—the plating will only magnify it.
We have a complete polishing department with experienced polishers to properly prepare your part. We will belt, grease and buff your part using a variety of compounds best suited to achieve the proper polished surface. Sometimes, for the higher quality jobs, typically referred to as “triple plate”, we will buff the part after the part has been plated with copper before going through the final plating process.
The Plating Process
Electroplating, usually referred to as plating, is a process where we will actually be depositing metal onto your part. There are a variety of cleaning tanks, rinsing tanks and acid tanks that are used to prepare the surface before we can actually plate the part. Without the proper cleaning process good adhesion cannot be achieved. In layman terms, the plating will blister and begin to peel off. Proper cleaning is essential to achieve a good finish.
All of our plating tanks are maintained through regular chemical analysis to insure that they are properly balanced. We have our own in-house lab and also utilize outside sources to analyze our plating solutions. Our baths are filtered to remove any foreign bodies that may be in the solution. We take great pride in the quality of our plated products.